Acupuncture in Boca Raton with Dr. Fields

Dr. Nadav D. Fields / Co-Founder & Medical Director of CR8 Health
Jonathan M. Fields / Co-Founder of CR8 Health

Dr Fields  0:00 

If you’re a patient in the clinic, then you call me Dr. Fields or whatever it is, but I’m very happy to be here. I reached out to Josh, I think, in regards to I saw a post. I’m involved with a lot of community projects. I actually graduated from Douglas High School over here back in 1998. I’ve done a lot of work with them since in the last few years. I taught classes for two years at Eagle’s Haven from when they first opened till I had my second child and got a little too busy in my second clinic. I was teaching acupuncture, art classes there, and meditation classes there for a couple of years. I go back to the school about two, three times a year to teach Tai Chi classes there as well.

And I was speaking to Josh a little bit earlier to let him know that I’m involved with the Coconut Creek, the Food For The Poor. We have a big project we do with them out in Nicaragua. We built the whole village out there. And I’m always lecturing at different universities. I’ve lectured at Nova to the medical students over there, at Barry University to trauma counselors. And whatever community stuff I could get involved in, I’m always happy to participate or volunteer wherever I can. So, it’s really cool to be in a group of like-minded people that are doing this kind of thing. I’m glad you rolled off some of my credentials there so I don’t have to blah, blah, blah you guys to death. I want this to be interactive. I want to talk with you, not to you.

I got a call from Josh right before that the laptop is in here. I said, “Great.” I don’t have to bore you guys to death. If I wanted to do that, we could have done this through Zoom. I’d rather just have a conversation. Anyway, so he told you all a little bit about what we do. I will tell you a little bit how I got started in the health field, and I’ll tell you a little bit about what we do now at the clinics, and the kinds of things that we see and we deal with. And then, I’ll take a couple of questions from you all because I think you all might have some. So, a little bit about me. Like he said, I’ve been in Martial Arts pretty much my whole life. I was born in Israel. I moved here at seven years old and lived in the Coral Springs since 1988.

So, I went to all the schools here locally. We’re still back and forth to Israel a lot. My family is over there except for my folks and my brother. My brother is also a medical doctor. My mom is an occupational therapist, she’s been in medical her whole life. My father was a medic in the Israeli army for a while. So, that kind of introduced me to medical, but I was never a big fan of the way the system currently runs, as you all know. I think most of you all know it’s a little bit broken, and it’s difficult if you’re having chronic issues to get help. If you have an emergency, please, I want the drugs alive, I want to be airlifted, I want all the good stuff.

But if you have any chronic condition, it’s a nightmare being in the medical system. So, about 10, 11 years ago, I’ll skip actually back a little for that. I got introduced into acupuncture in Eastern medicine through one of my martial arts teachers about 19 years ago. Every time I used to get injured training martial arts, and I’ve taught professional fighters, and kids, and all sorts of people, and every time I had an injury, acupuncture always worked very well for me for musculoskeletal stuff. And at about 31 years old, I think I got burnt out. I was working on the computer. I was working in digital media and art, and design, and graphic design. Spending way too much time on a computer, and spending probably three or 4 hours a day doing MMA training, and that kind of stuff. It ended me up with a lot of injuries between the computer and all the training.

I was overtraining and spending too much time in a sedentary position. I had tried some extreme diets, and stuff like that, but I got to a place where I was at 31 years old. I was having hot flashes, chills, severe fatigue, depression, carpal tunnel tendonitis, joint pain, systemic joint pain, every single joint. My whole body; knees, shoulders, hips. My back and neck were so bad, I was disabled for a year. I couldn’t work for a year, basically. And I spent about a year just going from doctor, to doctor, to doctor. Some of you all may have experienced this or know somebody who may have. And after all the doctors, basically, just tell me, “Oh, all your scans are fine, it’s all in your head. Here’s some muscle relaxers, here are some pain pills.”

I was scheduled for carpal tunnel surgery two times, never did it. I was just getting worse, and worse, and worse. So, 31, 32, I felt like something was wrong. It was almost not even really worth going on at that point. It was really bad. And finally, I got back with my acupuncturist. Got into functional medicine, he actually invents vitamins and he’s on the Scientific Advisory Board for a bunch of nutritional manufacturers. And they put me back together. And within a few weeks of getting on these functional medicine programs, hot flashes, chills, fatigue, depression; completely gone.

Then between chiropractic and acupuncture, changing some of my lifestyle habits and diet, even though I was eating pretty healthy. I had tried to go vegan a couple of times, that was terrible for my personal health. Might be great for somebody else, wasn’t good for me. After about almost a year, I was 100% back to normal. So, I knew two things. One; I couldn’t go back to the same lifestyle that got me there because I had already hit the bottom, worst I could ever be. And I knew I needed a different lifestyle, otherwise, I’d probably ended up there again. Number two; I knew that I could do nothing else. I literally felt like I have a mission from God or however you want to put it, to help other people in similar situations that have been basically kicked around through the system.

And usually, in my age, I’m 43 now, you don’t see a lot of that of young healthy people in their 30s, they go through that. And as I’ve been in the field for a while, we see it now with people even much younger, kids, people in their 20s. So, I wanted to help people. I went back to school, did a bachelor’s, a master’s, and then a doctorate, a whole bunch of different certifications. I have a clinic open for my own place now for five years on the border of Tamarac and Coral Springs. And we just opened up a place in Boca, with my brother in Boca. He is a DEO. He’s a hospitalist in internal medicine. He’s been working in hospitals for the last ten years. Especially with the last two years, he’s a little burned out of it and kind of wants to go into private practice and help people outside of that whole medical system.

So, we’re looking to get more into preventative care, chronic diseases, autoimmune stuff, chronic pain. Once again, if there is a medical emergency, please don’t call me. 911. Go to the hospital. When you’re out, we can help you, and hopefully we can help people so they don’t get there. So, a little bit about what we do, I’ll go through some of these services. We have a PA there. Actually, her whole career has been in aesthetics too, so some of this skin stuff is not my repertoire. I don’t really know too much about it, but we have a PA that has been in the industry for 16 years just doing all that kind of stuff.

So, she’s a professional. All the reps go to use her, and they do all this skin tightening, and micro needling, and PRP stuff. Personally, my background is functional medicine, which is basically going through with a patient, going through everything; from their lifestyle, their diet, their day-to-day, chemical exposures. We order a lot of advanced laboratory testing that most doctors won’t order, or don’t even know about, or don’t even acknowledge existence. And we look to try to find the root causes of problems. Who feels like the doctors are always basically just trying to treat symptoms, right? “I have pain in this,” pills, pills, pills, surgery, surgery, surgery.

Which is great for some things, but not for other things, right? And they kind of keep you locked into that, and they make you feel like if you don’t do what they say you’re screwed and it’s going to go downhill fast. I found, from personal and professional experience, that is not the case. There are options. Now, will this stuff work for everybody 100% of the time? Of course not. Neither do drugs, neither do surgeries, neither do anything else. But, I would say, probably 70% to 80% of the cases I deal with are successful to varying extents, and there are different factors affecting that. I’ll explain more of those in a minute. Other than that, I deal with everything from chronic pain, arthritis, herniated discs, carpal tunnel, autoimmune stuff, rheumatoid arthritis, GI issues is one of our specialties. And women’s health is one of our big specialties.

Like hormonal stuff, fertility, PCOS, endometriosis, that kind of stuff. My brother, on his end —  and I might have him speak to you guys in the future and explain to you what he does with the peptides, and the hormone therapy, and he does telehealth, and he does a couple of other medical procedures, which I’ll let him explain. But my background is the functional medicine, which is preventative wellness. We kind of look through all the testing, we go through the whole lifestyle, we make recommendations on diet, we make recommendations on nutrients based on your actual lab work, not just based on, “Oh, I heard this is good for you. I read this online,” based on science.

It’s all science-based. Most of the stuff we work with is all tons of medical journals and meta-analyses that have proved that a lot of this stuff works.

It might be in early stages, it might not be something that… A pharmaceutical company might not invest a billion dollars into researching a vitamin because there’s no money to be made. But there are clinical research to prove a lot of this stuff does work. And actually, if you look back at how all our pharmaceuticals are made, they’re all, most of the time, made from plant extracts, from herbal extracts. So, the other side of what I do is the acupuncture in eastern medicine, the herbal medicine. 2000-plus-year history of success with that kind of stuff. I’ve had personal success with it. A ton of published research on it. Everywhere from Harvard to UCLA to John Hopkins to MIT, they’ve all been doing research on it for the last 20, 30 years. Stanford, every major institution in the United States.

Every major Ivy League school has a program for integrated medicine and they’re all studying and doing research on acupuncture, herbal medicine, meditation, all that kind of stuff. That is pretty much the gist of it. I don’t want to keep lecturing you all, so let me get some feedback from you all. I will see if anybody has any questions, maybe I’ll go around the table. And I will ask everybody for names like three times. I’m good in the clinic, names is not my thing. I’m good with faces. Please.

Josh  10:39

Do you know my name yet?

Dr. Fields  10:40


Josh  10:40


Dr. Fields  10:41

Well, that’s only because I’ve seen it eighteen times on Facebook, and you sent like a hundred emails.

Unknown Speaker  10:45

And the [Inaudible 10:45] protect you from him.

Dr. Fields  10:41

Yes. Bingo.

Josh  10:48

You know about the phone neck with the kids.

Dr. Fields  10:50 

100%. Huge.

Josh  10:50

So, the question, you work a lot of that joint, right? Do you ever see them come back with it? Do you try to get them to stay off of it, or do you tell them they don’t listen? How does the fix work? Is it both hands or is it you and then…

Dr. Fields  11:05

It’s a great question. It has not manifested into a pandemic yet with kids. There are kids that are having issues with it, but we actually see it in a lot more older adults.. Actually, I treated a patient today.

Josh  11:20

Oh really?

Dr. Fields  11:20

Yeah. You have people come in, and they’re spending all day on the computer, or doing this and this. Usually, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, and they have all sorts of, “Oh, you need…” I had a patient today who was told she had spinal stenosis, was ready to have surgery. Her neck pain was basically 9 out of 10, 10 out of 10. Had had shots, tried medications, had tried physical therapy, nothing worked. I taught her some stretches. I taught her how to work on her posture. Gave her acupuncture once a week for 2, 3 months. No more pain, didn’t see her for another year.

Now, she just had another bout. She’d been working out too much. She comes in, I’m looking at her, she seemed like this again. I said, “Catherine, you could get all the cortisone injections you want, I could treat you 100 million times. If we don’t correct your posture, you are never, ever, ever going to get better.” And I tell patients straight up, like, the best thing I could have is you graduate and never come see me again because then you’re going to send me referrals, rather than, “We need you to sign up.” We don’t push packages on people, there’s none of that. I don’t want people coming twice a week for the rest of their life. If that’s the case, it’s not working. That’s not viable.

I do treat kids of all ages, but we don’t see a lot of them with the neck issues yet. In the future, that is going to be a big problem. Not only neck though, you’re cutting off oxygen supply to the brain and you’re creating all sorts of other problems besides just the pain.

Josh  12:45

Yeah. We see it a lot of times now, we know like two, that’s why I was thinking kids might ask the question.

Dr. Fields  12:50

Yeah, and I typically… I’ll give you guys some good advice, if anybody’s having those issues right now. What I tell my patients is, instead of doing this all day, put your arms against your body and hold the phone like this. So, your arms don’t get tired and you’re not doing this. It makes a huge difference. That alone. Just you put your arms against your body, you lean them like this, and you get used to it.

And you just hold the phone right here. A lot better than doing this. Another tip, number one is you got to watch your neck posture. Your spine is meant to be erect. If you’re sitting like this all day… Everybody’s seen them. We all know the person who walks like this and can’t turn their head. It starts off with a little bit, and it gets worse, and worse, and worse. And, at some point, you cannot correct that. So, I can’t stress enough, just be mindful of your posture. I’ve been working on this 20 years, I still practice in the mirror. You need to. That was a good question, any other questions?

Ernie  13:43


Dr. Fields  13:45

Give me your name again.

Ernie  13:46

Ernie. A little bit about functional medicine. I know that a lot of the blood tests and stuff, they’re not covered by insurance, so what’s the…

Dr. Fields  13:54

Some are, some aren’t. It’s true. Some are covered by insurance depending on who orders them. It really depends. We do take insurance for some of the labs. A Lot of time — and that’s actually a good question because you go to a lot of these functional docs, and right off the bat, they’re like, “You need to spend five grand in lab work.” I’m the exact opposite of that. I would prefer most of the time you spend no money on lab work, and we start treating you right away. Usually, I’ll ask people to bring you whatever labs they have. We have pretty thorough intake. I actually have like, four or five pages of forms you need to do.

Then I think we spend half an hour to an hour with the patient, and I ask them a whole bunch of questions. And I get a feel for them. I actually look at their tongue, I look at their eyes, it tells me a little bit about what’s going on internally. Based on clinical experience, based on case studies, based on education, based on your existing labs, based on the questionnaires, usually that’s enough to start treatment. If we’re not making progress, then I might say, “Okay, you know what? We’re kind of stuck. This should have worked, and it’s not. There might be some kind of underlying something else going on. Let’s see what other tests are available.”

I do not like having people come in and be like, “Wait, I need ten grand of tests.” A lot of times, one of the biggest problems in our medical system is unnecessary wasteful spending on procedures and tests. I see that mostly with GI issues.

Everybody’s like, “Oh, I have constipation and the doctor…” Or, “Reflux, and they put me on Prilosec or Omeprazole for the rest of my life, and I did endoscopy,  colonoscopy, and everything’s fine.” But what the doctors are not telling you is that Omeprazole, the Prilosec, all those antacids, they cause osteoporosis, they cause your bones to collapse in a certain time.

And this is all public knowledge. You can look it up on the FDA website, or whatever it may be. What they’re not telling you is, in time, they’ll shut down your kidneys. You need acid to digest your food. If you don’t have Hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes, what’s going to happen is all the food you do eat is going to putrefy and rot inside of you, and then they cause other problems besides the stiff, the reflux. I’m starting to get [Inaudible 16:00] But that’s what happens. Very good question. So, yeah, we are kind of the opposite of that. It is how most of the functional docs go. I was trained by one of my mentors. We’re very conservative with the nutrients we use and the lab testing, like, “Hey, see if you can figure out the problem first before you waste people’s time and money just running around doing this kind of stuff.”

And, a lot of times, people come to me and they’ve already seen two or three different functional docs, and four different GIs, and endocrinologists, and 9 specialists. And they’re like, “You’re our last hope. We heard you are good. Your reviews are off the chart. Please help me.” And, a lot of times, we will be able to help those kinds of people. Good question, Ernie, right?

Ernie  16:42


Dr. Fields  16:43

Ernie, Josh. Who’s next? Any other questions?

Unknown Speaker  16:50

No, I was waving to Dennis and…

Unknown Speaker  16:54

You just bought a $5 million car.

Unknown Speaker  16:57

What is Morpheus8?

Dr. Fields  16:58

Good question. Sounds really good. It’s like the Matrix times 8. It’s what the Kardashians use to get their face done. It’s a microneedling device. Microneedling is like acupuncture. It’s like an electric toothbrush, or like a tattoo gun that has like 15 little acupuncture needles. And it just goes really fast and pokes a bunch of holes, and it creates more collagen, and tightens the skin, and helps with lines and wrinkles, and it just rejuvenates the skin. It’s actually FDA-cleared for treating acne, and rosacea, and a couple of other different things. So the difference between that and a regular microneedling like a SkinPen is microneedling first has radio frequency. The radio frequency is basically heat therapy that gets in under the skin and actually causes even more regeneration of new healthy red blood cells and collagen, and makes the skin more elastic, and looks much younger. You’re actually, at your age, you’re actually not a good candidate for this. If you want to do like… You don’t need it anyway. If you want to do, like, regular microneedling…

John  18:10

He is actually 40.

Dr. Fields  18:12

I wasn’t going to say it, but…

Unknown Speaker  18:17

I did PRP.

Dr. Fields  18:20

You’ve done PRP. What kind of PRP?

Unknown Speaker  18:22

[Inaudible 18:22]

Dr. Fields  18:23

So I do PRP injections. I actually did my stem cell PRP training with Burida up in Boco who does the Dolphins, and the LeBron James. He’s one of the top docs out here for… You guys know Burida?

Unknown Speaker  18:38

I know where it is though.

Dr. Fields  18:39

Okay. So anyway, he’s one of the top docs in the country. He’s been doing stem cells for about 17 years. He is an orthopedic for 40 years. So, he was the first person who actually certified me in the stem cells and PRP therapies. Is everybody familiar with what PRP therapy is? Okay, so it’s pretty interesting. It actually works along the same method as acupuncture and these different therapies, but what they do is they draw your blood. And then, we put it in a centrifuge, and we spin it. And we separate the red blood cells and the white blood cells. And we take the platelets which have the strongest amount of healing factors, and cytokines, and growth factors, and a little bit of plasma. And then, I have a special process where we actually put in a photonic light generator.

Then it activates the stem cells even more, and then, we’ll inject it back into a joint or a tendon where you have maybe mild to moderate tendonitis, or mild to moderate arthritis, or muscular [Inaudible 19:36]. If you have severe bone-on-bone osteoarthritis, it won’t work. At that point, you might need a full stem cell procedure or joint replacement. At that point, acupuncture and PRP may give you some temporary relief, but if there’s no cartilage, once you start rubbing up again, that deformation is coming back, you’re going to need to do something kind of…  But they use the PRP for joints and for pain, we also use it in the facial procedures, and for hair restoration.

So, what we do is we take the PRP out, and you inject it around any bald areas, and then, we microneedle over it because that gets a lot of blood flow and increases the circulation of the area. And then, we take PRP with a brush and we kind of, basically, brush it over the head again to soak into the skin. So, that rejuvenates the skin. It can help hair growth, and it helps the face. We use it for the skin on the hands, and all sorts of other stuff. My training is mostly for doing things for orthopedic type of procedures.

Unknown Speaker  20:37

How about your success rate on something like that?

Dr. Fields  20:40

So, before we’ll take a patient on for that, for which part of it? For the joints, or the hair, or…?

Unknown Speaker  20:46

For the joints.

Dr. Fields  20:46

For the joints, I’d say with the patients I’ve been seeing, probably about 70%. If it’s a really bad case, if I know it’s osteoarthritis, or if I know they have a bone spur, or if I know… I prefer to have an MRI first. I’ve done it without MRI, but I’d like to see the MRI to see what the Orthopedic said and what the radiologist said so we know what we’re treating. If it is a case where I don’t think it’ll be successful, I won’t take the patient. So, that way I have a higher success rate because I don’t want to waste my time or your money if I know it’s not going to work. But it is pretty successful. Will it reverse your arthritis for the rest of your life? No, but if it buys you a few years, and often, it will.

I have a guy that I work with, he’s early 50s, was limping for months, probably three, four months. We did a PRP procedure for him, within about two weeks, no more limping.

Unknown Speaker  21:39 

What about for meniscus?

Dr. Fields  21:41

Depends on the grade of the tear. If it is completely severed, no, forget about it. You would need to basically get that surgically repaired. If you had a mild or moderate tear, it can help. And we usually would couple that with acupuncture. We also do different homeopathic injections sometimes too, like if you know of arnica? No? It’s a homeopathic. I mean they sell it at  Whole Foods, they sell it everywhere. Sometimes we’ll even mix that and B12 in the injection in the joints or areas . And it helps with inflammation and blood cell repair. On a case like that, sometimes you might need to do like a treatment of PRP. You might need to do maybe like two or three shots in a row.

Like you do one like every four to six weeks for like two or three times. And sometimes you do one and it’s like a miracle. And when you’re doing the PRP, it can actually take up to eight months to get the full benefits of the procedure. Sometimes you see results immediately, sometimes it takes a few weeks, sometimes it takes longer. It varies from patient to patient. The healthier you are, the better quality platelets you’re going to have as well. And oftentimes, you can actually see it when you spin the blood, you can see the quality of the blood, and that kind of stuff. But very good question. Yeah, it’s unethical to take on a patient you know it’s not going to work for us. So, we try to avoid that as much as possible.

And sometimes, we’ll even inject the area with… It’s like a road test. We might inject you with some lidocaine or something first. If the lidocaine numbs it, and actually gives you some pain relief, then there’s a good chance that the PRP may work for you. If the lidocaine doesn’t do anything, and there is basically a structural problem, then we know the PRP is not going to help you. That’s something you would probably need to consider something surgical or something different. And I also recommend, depending on the patient, we can show a lot of exercises to the patient. I sent out to physiotherapy, I sent out to Chiropractic, depending, a case-by-case basis.

There’s no ‘one size fits all.’ Part of the problem with our medical system, you come in, I have this. Doc says, “Okay, you get this,” and they don’t know anything about you. They don’t know your prior medical history. Half the time, they don’t know what else you’ve taken, they don’t care. You have this, you get it. They treat the symptoms, which it doesn’t work a lot of the time. Any other questions? Any comments, feedback? Good talk? Good? Yes, sir. Your name is Daniel?

Daniel  24:08 

Yeah. A Herniated disc.

Dr. Fields  24:12 

Herniated disc. Excellent question. Controversial subjects. Backs are complicated. One is probably the number one most well-known thing that acupuncture is successful for, and there’s a ton of medical research to support it. Medicare actually just started covering acupuncture for lower back pain. A lot of the insurance companies do cover it because there is so much collateral data showing that it does work. Herniated discs can heal. They can go from herniation to bulge, and bulges can disappear. Now, a herniated disc, though, is not always the cause of pain.

They’ve done a few large-scale studies where they took, let’s say, 1000 people that had herniated discs and MRId them, and they had herniation to bulges. And numerous studies, about 50% of those people had zero pain. So, just because you have a herniated disc doesn’t mean that’s the cause of your pain, it also doesn’t mean it’s not the cause of your pain. But we can work with that. If you have spinal stenosis, a lot more tricky. That’s a maybe. Herniated discs, we get very good results with most of the time. There are other factors involved, and we will teach stretches, and exercises. Nutrition, hydration is important. All that stuff is actually crucial to recovery. If you don’t have the building blocks to recover, it doesn’t matter how many times I treat you, you’re not going to get any better.

That being said, I have patients 97 years old and their back pain gets better. So, it’s always possible. One of the other problems I have with the medical community, a lot of times, they’re like, “Oh, there’s nothing you can do about it,” which is bs. Based on statistics, every person is an individual. You never know who’s going to be that miracle. And in my experience with back pain, herniated discs, probably 80% success rate between the acupuncture and other… To different degrees. It’s not always going to be 100%, but, most of the time, 80% of the patients are very happy and get significant reduction in the pain. I usually tell people, depending on the severity of the pain and the length of it, I usually tell them it might take about 10 to 12 sessions.

Sometimes you do one or two, and it’s a miracle. I say, “Good, you’re done, don’t come back.” Sometimes it takes a little longer. We have to see how your body responds from the treatment, and everybody responds a little differently. Great question. Yes, sir.

Unknown Speaker  6:31 

Did you say you were an MD?

Dr. Fields  26:33 

I am not an MD. I have a doctorate and a masters, a clinical doctorate and a master’s in acupuncture in eastern medicine. I have a bachelor’s in health sciences, and I am a primary care provider in Florida. Non-Medical. It’s different.

Unknown Speaker  26:49 

What worked for you? You said that you were going through it in your early thirties. I may have missed that.

Dr. Fields  26:56 

Yeah, good question. It was a combination of different stuff. I had to change my diet, I had to change my workout routines. I was overtraining. Acupuncture helped me tremendously. And specific nutrients and vitamins based on the blood work that I did, I think, really kind of set me up to be able to heal. And I’ll do chiropractic as well. So, it was a combination of all those things. And I don’t discount any other therapy. And I’m not the guy to be like, “Don’t listen to your doctor, we’re going to fix all your problems.” Actually, my other practice is called integrated medicine. We work with everybody. We work with specific patients and we try to treat everybody how we would treat my mom, or my wife, or maybe better because we don’t always listen to our family members.

But yeah. Sometimes you get lucky… It’s very nice to meet you. Greg? Take care, have a great day, or whatever you do. It’s a good question, but it varies from patient to patient. Every now and then we will get a case, and it’s like just acupuncture, or just literally… Sometimes it can be as simple as one vitamin or one change of diet. Like, don’t drink ice water with your meals. Like little things like that. I’ll give you a tidbit, and then, I’ll wrap up unless anybody has any other questions. Perfect. So, since I just brought that up. Cold drinks with your meals, this is the only country in the world that does that. And it is horrific for your health.

And if you have any digestive issues, that is the first thing you should cut. You should actually drink very little fluids with your meals. Most of your fluids should be probably half an hour before your meal or 45 minutes to an hour later. I’m not saying don’t drink with your meal. By all means, rinse your palate, plunge your mouth, don’t choke on your food. But a trick question. Who knows what in your stomach actually digests the food?

Unknown Speaker  28:50 


Dr. Fields  28:51

Acid. What happens if I put a bunch of food in, and then, I dilute all the acid? Acid doesn’t work. And then, all the food is sloshing around. And then, what happens if I take a full cup of water, like this one right here, and I put 20 ice cubes in there? Overflows, all the acid comes up. Furthermore, cold is even worse because cold makes things shrink. Cold is a vasoconstrictive. When you eat a big meal, when you get tired after it’s because 70% of your blood flow is leaving your brain and going to your stomach to digest your food. That’s why you’re tired after a big meal.

If you drink a whole bunch of cold water, not only are you diluting your stomach acid, and not only the cold going to condense, and shrink, and harden all the food that’s in there and make it harder to digest, you’re also going to shrink all the blood vessels, all the arteries that are supplying your stomach and your digestive system with the blood supply. So, it’s going to make it very difficult for you to digest the food. And if you don’t have digestive issues, or other issues, I wouldn’t worry about it.

Unknown Speaker  29:50

What about beers?

Dr. Fields  29:52

So, if you drink beer in Europe, it’s not ice cold. It might be cool, or it might be kind of room temp. This is the only place… If you drink in China, if you’re not drinking tea with a meal, some places will serve you boiling water because that will actually improve your digestion, it’s evasive dilator. It will bring more circulation to the blood flow. But, once again, if you don’t have digestive issues, I wouldn’t worry about it at all. And, once again, it’s not a one size fits all. If you have an issue, that’s one thing we might take into consideration. We don’t have any issues; have at it, God bless you all. Thank you very much for your time. If you do have any more questions, I’m here. I’ll leave some cards, and I brought a little flier that actually has a promo for some specials we’re running, but we also do free consultations in the clinic and via Zoom.

So, if anybody has any questions, or if you have a family member, or friend or anybody that has any sort of chronic health issues that’s not getting resolved from the doctors, or any chronic pain, we’ll see them for free. We’ll talk to them. We’ll tell them. And if they’re not a good candidate, we’ll tell them, “Sorry, I can’t help you. Continue what you’re doing,” or we’ll refer them out. But if we can’t help them, we’re happy to, like I said, speak to them. We’ll take 10, 15 minutes. We’ll find out what their medical history is, and we’ll tell them, “Hey, this might be good for you, this might not.” We’re always happy to do that. Thank you for having me here.

Chorus response  31:13 

Thank you.