Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine in Boca Raton

Acupuncture is an ancient Eastern science that empowers the human body’s innate ability to heal itself. However, you don’t need to go half way around the world to experience the benefits of Acupuncture treatments. Try Acupuncture in Boca Raton! 

Studies from some of the most respected organizations have proven that acupuncture:

  • reduces inflammation
  • alleviates pain
  • increases circulation
  • restores hormonal balance
  • repairs damaged nerves
  • increases collagen production
  • & More!

Patients will often feel a transformational sense of peace and tranquility after sessions that allow them to get a deep, restful sleep.

Our life-changing treatments are administered by experts in the field and are suitable for all sorts of issues like; pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, arthritis, sciatica, fertility, neuropathy, digestive problems, anxiety, stress, fine lines & wrinkles, cardiovascular and much more.

How Long Does It Take To Work?

That depends on the individual, how well their body responds to the treatment, and many other underlying factors. Sometimes immediate, while other times it may take a handful or more.

acupuncture for weight loss
acupuncture for weight loss

What Kind Of Things Do You Treat?

We work with various conditions like chronic & acute pain, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune, gastrointestinal/digestive, circulation, and more.

Does It Work?

Absolutely! We treat other MDs, surgeons, nurses, and more, all of whom come to use it because they’ve experienced acupuncture’s power and beauty.

Does It Hurt?

Not at all. Occasionally some points might be sensitive, but 99.9% of patients respond very well and enjoy the sessions.

Try acupuncture treatments in Boca Raton today!

90 year old Sonya has been suffering from Osteo-Arthritis of the Shoulder. Her Pain was excruciating. 3 cortisone shots and prednisone did not help at all. We treated her and after 2 treatments her pain was down by more than 75%. She no longer needs heat or ice and was finally able to sleep again.

Sonya Lukas, 90

Osteo-arthritis of Shoulder


Samantha had 10 years of severe Hormonal MigrainesHot Flashes and Night Sweats with her monthly cycle. Problem solved in 1 month at our Parkland Acupuncture in Coral Springs clinic using Herbs, Acupuncture & Supplements.

Samantha Kerry

Migraines, Hormones, Hot Flashes​


In two weeks, we used Acupuncture in Tamarac, Herbs & Supplements to eliminate Carla’s chronic headaches, hot flashes, night sweats, leg pain, acid reflux, and pinched nerve in her neck.

Carla R.

Headaches, Hot Flashes, Knee Pain & Acid Reflux​

Dr. Andrew Krinsky, MD
OBGYN, Gynecology

Dr. Andrew Krinsky, MDa Yale-trained OBGYN, was very happy with his results and remains a patient and a great referral source for us. Our acupuncture treatments for lower back pain successfully eliminated his problem after months of little help from conventional therapies.

Sharolyn Govia, 41
Autoimmune Chron’s Disease​​

Debilitating auto-immune Chron’s disease has plagued Sharolyn for over two years. She’s been on countless medications and even infusions, which have not helped at all, not even a little. She has been vomiting daily and has diarrhea, headaches, night sweats, abdominal pain, and mouth ulcers. After one acupuncture treatment, herbs, and functional medicine, she is a whole new person within two weeks and feeling better than she has in years.

Andrea suffered from IBS, digestive problems, food allergies, and abdominal pain for over 25 years. She had tried acupuncture & functional medicine before with little success. Our treatments at the Coconut Creek Acupuncture Clinic, Tamarac Nutritional Counseling, supplements & raw herbal formulas completely transformed her life within a few months.

Andrea Vicentini

IBS & GI Stress​

Chinel came to us for anxiety treatments, panic attacksIBS, constipation, bloating, gas and irregular and painful periods. Our team cleared up all her issues within a couple of months, and now she’s off all her medications and pain-free.

Chinel Gil, 29

​Anxiety, IBS, Painful Periods​


Our clinic for Coral Springs Acupuncture helped Parkland resident Lori get rid of her severe insomnia, hot flashes, and digestive issues such as acid reflux, heartburn, and bloating within a couple of weeks with Acupuncture, herbs, and supplements.

Lori G.

​Insomnia, Hot Flashes & Indigestion​

Ashley has been suffering from crippling pain due to a diagnosis of Endometriosis and interstitial cystitis for over 12 years. We helped her resolve 100% of her pain in Parkland within four weeks using acupuncture, herbs, and functional medicine. She previously had 16 surgical procedures and has been on narcotic medication and over-the-counter meds for years. She no longer needs them.

Ashley D., 33


Virginia sought treatment for low back pain, sciatica, anxiety, insomnia & weight loss. She found SUCCESS!

Virginia Nordgaard

Back Pain, Sciatica, Insomnia, Anxiety & Weight Loss​


Emil is a 96-year-old silver star recipient who helped liberate Venlo, Holland, in WW2. He had splitting headaches and neck pain to the point where he couldn’t even sleep at night.  He’s tried epidurals, cortisone shots, six months of physical therapy, pain management, etc. None of it helped. After about a month of treatments with us, he’s sleeping like a baby, his headaches are down more than 50%, his neck pain is better as well, and he’s feeling optimistic again that there is hope for improvement.

Emil Masarik, 96

Severe Headaches & Neck Pain​

Yamile came to us with severe pain & inflammation from rheumatoid arthritis. she could barely walk without wincing and crying in pain. Her medications were giving her side effects, and even worse, they didn’t help with the pain. She had stopped the meds before coming to see us and was getting progressively worse. We made some dietary recommendations, and with herbs, supplements, and acupuncture, she is nearly pain-free in 4-5 weeks. Listen to her amazing story of recovery.

Yamile Navarro

Rheumatoid Arthritis​

Lynn came to our Coral Springs Acupuncture clinic suffering from headaches, sinus congestion, constipation, and abdominal pain. She had been taking medications and over-the-counter supplements for over five years and even had surgery with no relief. One treatment and some lifestyle advice changed her life completely. It’s a MIRACLE!!

Lynn Streiner

Headaches, Abdominal Pain, Constipation & Sinus​

Kayla is one of the most difficult cases we have ever encountered. She has a rare autoimmune connective tissue disorder, Ehlers-Danlos, which also causes severe abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, headaches, joint pain, weight loss, menstrual issues, etc. She had already been to dozens of specialists, procedures, and countless meds without help and was going downhill fast. Using a combination of herbs, acupuncture & vitamin injections, we were able to cut back on 80% of her medications and get her back to work and exercise after being disabled for years.

Kayla Mendes

Autoimmune Disease & Gastrointestinal Distress​

Maria came in with severe Low Back Pain & Sciatica. She could barely stand upright and was limping. After just two treatments at our Tamarac Acupuncture office, she was 100% better.

Maria Alonso

Low Back Pain & Sciatica​

Ethan received Parkland Acupuncture for his years of chronic shoulder pain, stomach ulcer, GERD, stomach ulcer and anxiety. We also recommended some traditional Chinese food therapy, herbs and nutritional supplements. Within three days, he had no more reflux and his shoulder was much better after years of suffering.

Ethan Abecasis​

Shoulder Pain, Acid Reflux & Anxiety​



Dr. Avi Weiner, MD, had plantar fasciitis for two months, which wasn’t healing. He was unsuccessful with anti-inflammatory medications. The pain was interfering with his work and tennis. After just two treatments of Moxa and Acupuncture in Coral Springs, the plantar fasciitis was 90% better.

Dr. Avi Weiner, MD

​Orthopedic Surgeon​

 Acupuncture for Stroke UPDATE: After just two treatments of Acupuncture in Coral Springs, Jim has 70% less pain & over 40% improved ROM. Hear his incredible recovery story!

Jim suffered from a stroke four years ago. As a result, he wakes up daily with pain in his left shoulder, arm, and leg. His balance, range of motion, and strength have been significantly compromised. He’s been in Physical Therapy and working with a personal trainer for years but has not progressed much.

James Nordgaard

Stroke Survivor​​


Barry turned to our Tamarac Acupuncture Clinic to treat his 35 years of severe panic attacks, anxiety, and knee pain. He’s parted ways with his prescription medications and feels better than ever! We treated him with Acupuncture, Herbs & Supplements.

Barry Gibbell

​Anxiety, Panic Attacks & Knee Pain​


Aida came to our Coral Springs Acupuncture clinic suffering from Hot Flashes & Nightsweats for nearly 20 years. She also had foot pain, toe numbness, blurry vision, and floaters. One week after her first treatment and some supplements, she is 100% hot flash free, has no night sweats, no more neuropathy, less foot pain, and her vision has been restored.

Aida Albarran

Hot Flashes, Nightsweats & Hormones​

86-year-old Renee was suffering from Neuropathy, GERD, and severe Lower Back Pain. After one treatment, her symptoms were all about 70-80% better.

Renee Kugler, 86

Neuropathy, Back Pain, Reflux​​

92 year old Carmen avoided Carpal Tunnel Release surgery after just a couple treatments at our Tamarac Acupuncture clinic.

Carmen Reza 

Carpal Tunnel​

Warren came in with years of back pain & acute sciatica to our acupuncture Parkland clinic. After just 1 treatment, he was 90% better. He already had 6 visits with a chiropractor and got no relief. Learn how we can help you as well at our Parkland Acupuncture in Coral Springs.

Warren D’Angelo 

Back Pain & Sciatica​

Ira has been suffering from Low Back Pain for 50 years and Neck Pain for over 15 years. Our Coral Springs Acupuncture team resolved his pain with just one treatment. This video was one month after his first treatment and the pain never returned. He’s done physical therapy, chiropractic, exercise, etc., and was on 3 medications that he has since stopped taking.

Ira S. 

Low Back Pain & Neck Pain​

Alfred had a stroke and has been suffering from hearing lossvertigo and loss of feeling in his left ear. This video is from his 2nd treatment in our Coconut Creek Acupuncture clinic.

Alfred Esposito 

Stroke Patient​

Pearl came in with acute sciatic pain and could barely stand up straight. She was having trouble walking and bending. She got immediate relief from her 1st treatment and was good as new after the 2nd.

Pearl Dames, 87

Sciatica Treatment​

Dawn had been vomiting daily after each meal for months, suffering from constipationnausea, and abdominal pain. She was diagnosed with diabetic gastroparesis. After some very expensive testing and multiple medications, she was still not making any improvements with conventional care. After just a few visits, her appetite returned, the vomiting and nausea stopped, and her bowel movements returned to normal. We could not be happier for her.

Dawn Collura, 52​

Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment​


81-year-old Kerry arrived at our Acupuncture Coral Springs clinic looking for help with his 20 years of Back Pain and severe plantar fasciitis. With just a few sessions, he’s almost 100% better.

Kerry Meyer

Kerry Meyer, 81​

Back Pain & Plantar Fasciitis​

Sonya Lukas, 90

90 year old Sonya has been suffering from Osteo-Arthritis of the Shoulder. Her Pain was excruciating. We treated her and after 2 treatments her pain was down by more than 75%.

Samantha Kerry

Samantha had 10 years of severe Hormonal Migraines, Hot Flashes and Night Sweats with her monthly cycle. Problem solved in 1 month using Herbs, Acupuncture & Supplements.

Carla R.

In two weeks, we used Acupuncture in Tamarac, Herbs & Supplements to eliminate Carla’s chronic headaches, hot flashes, night sweats, leg pain, acid reflux, and pinched nerve in her neck.

Dr. Andrew Krinsky, MD

Dr. Andrew Krinsky, MD, a Yale-trained OBGYN, was very happy with his results. Our acupuncture treatments for lower back pain successfully eliminated his problem after months of little help from conventional therapies.

Sharolyn Govia, 41

Debilitating auto-immune Chron’s disease has plagued Sharolyn for over two years. After one acupuncture treatment, herbs, and functional medicine, she is a whole new person within two weeks and feeling better than she has in years.

Andrea Vicentini

Andrea suffered from IBS, digestive problems, food allergies, and abdominal pain for over 25 years. Tamarac Nutritional Counseling, supplements & raw herbal formulas completely transformed her life within a few months.

Chinel Gil, 29

Chinel came to us for anxiety treatments, panic attacks, IBS, constipation, bloating, gas and irregular and painful periods. Our team cleared up all her issues within a couple of months, and now she’s off all her medications and pain-free.

Lori G.

Our clinic helped Parkland resident Lori get rid of her severe insomnia, hot flashes, and digestive issues such as acid reflux, heartburn, and bloating within a couple of weeks with Acupuncture, herbs, and supplements.

Ashley D., 33

Ashley has been suffering from crippling pain due to a diagnosis of Endometriosis and interstitial cystitis for over 12 years. We helped her resolve 100% of her pain within four weeks using acupuncture, herbs, and functional medicine.